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Interview with Erie K.


Our next Interview here on WestSide Osaka Network, we have another lovely lady from Central Japan. Please welcome Erie K. So we asked her a few questions and here are her responds.

WSO: What are your feelings about Economics in Japan?

Erie K.: I feel that Japan Economics is just getting worst!!

WSO: What do you think about Japans Government?

Erie K.: I can't understand why the government is taking so much "TAX" out of salary man monthly salary!!

WSO: Explain your lifestyle in Japan, Briefly?

Erie K.: Everything to expensive, You have got to have double job to accommodate the increasing prices of commodities here in Japan.

WSO: How would you change your daily lifestyle in Japan?

Erie K.: Not actually change it, but got to think how to improve it....

WSO: If you could change one thing in Japan, what would that be?

Erie K.: Japan should change, not to take so much taxes from the people!!

We like to thank Erie K. for taking the time to answer a few of our question here on WestSide Osaka Network. We have changed the names of the people we have interview due to their privacy rights. Stay tune for more interview with people around Japan.

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